In a veiled attack at Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday claimed that an "inhuman" act was allegedly kept under wraps for electoral gains in the Assembly polls.
"Whose crime is more dangerous? Who did this inhuman act? or Who hid it for electoral gains so as to lay the foundation of his false 'Sushashan' (good governance) on this misrule?" the Congress leader tweeted in Hindi while sharing a media report about a girl from Vaishali district who died allegedly due to the carelessness of the administration.
The former Congress chief was referring to an incident where a 20-year-old girl, who was undergoing treatment at the Patna Medical College and Hospital after being allegedly set ablaze for two men who attempted to molest her, succumbed to her injuries on Sunday.
The girl's family members staged a protest at Patna's Kargil Chowk demanding the arrest of suspects involved in the incident.
Source - ANI