India recorded 47,638 fresh cases of COVID-19 during the past 24 hours, pushing the country's overall caseload to 84.11 lakh while the death toll soared to 1,24,985 with 670 fresh fatalities, authorities reported on Thursday.
According to Union Health Ministry, the active cases saw a drop of 7,189 and currently stood at 5,20,773.
The front-line medics were able to save 54,157 more lives, taking the total recovery count till now to 77,65,966 which is 92.20 per cent of the caseload. The fatality rate stands at 1.49 per cent.
According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), as many as 12,09,425 samples were tested on Thursday, taking the total cumulative samples tested since the beginning of the pandemic till Friday to 11,42,08,384.