Horoscope Today: September 29, 2022

It feels like home, doesn’t it, Capricorn? The fact that you can come as you are. The fact that you can be the most authentic version of yourself in every situation. The fact that you never have to hide the parts of you that you have been made to believe are unpalatable. Truth bomb, Aquarius: the emotionally unavailable act is getting a little old. So, pay attention to how and where you are blowing hot and cold. Pay attention to how and where you are shutting yourself off. We understand that vulnerability takes a lot of courage. The good thing is, you are worthy of being loved just as you are. You’ve had your share of ups and downs, Gemini. You’ve had your share of agreeing for the sake of agreeing so you can maintain harmony at home. But, you’re at a point in your journey where you understand each other deeply and respect each other’s choices fully. You’re willing to show up for them just as they consistently show up for you and that’s what makes everyday phenomenal. 

Aries Horoscope Today: September 29, 2022

The trouble is, you want everything to happen on your timeline and your impatience is the biggest impediment on your journey towards freedom. So, brew yourself a cup of tea and return to the present moment. Become aware of what the signs are telling you and how you need to manage your expectations. Remember, the Universe is not punishing you. It is simply presenting you with an opportunity to finetune the plan of action.

Cosmic tip: Manage your expectations.

Taurus Horoscope Today: September 29, 2022

But, actions do speak louder than words, Taurus, and this is something you’re being asked to observe today. If they’re unable to show up for you despite the open and honest conversations you have had around this, they’re letting you know how invested they truly are when it comes to this connection. The good thing is, you have the choice to decide just how much *you* want to invest as you go forth. Reciprocity is important, beautiful, and you shouldn’t have to apologise for your needs or your wants.

Cosmic tip: Introspect on what reciprocity means to you.

Gemini Horoscope Today: September 29, 2022

You’ve had your share of ups and downs. You’ve had your share of agreeing for the sake of agreeing so you can maintain harmony at home. You’ve also had your share of making compromises that didn’t always feel natural to you. But, you’re at a point in your journey where you understand each other deeply and respect each other's choices fully. You’re willing to show up for them just as they consistently show up for you and that’s what makes everyday phenomenal, Gemini. 

Cosmic tip: You’re at a point in your journey where you understand each other deeply and respect each other's choices fully.

Cancer Horoscope Today: September 29, 2022

But, the dance of duality is a constant in the earthly realm. The shadow and the light find a way to co-exist. By celebrating one and rejecting the other, you will be rejecting the human experience in its wholeness. So, make space for the sadness and the melancholy. Offer a cup of tea to the rage and the resentment. By simply being aware of what no longer serves your highest and greatest good, you will be able to facilitate the process of catharsis.

Cosmic tip: What do you need to release?

Leo Horoscope Today: September 29, 2022

Everything is figureoutable, Leo. We repeat: everything is figureoutable, especially when you’ve known each other for *this* long. Instead of descending into the rabbit hole of frustration and self-pity, speak up. Have a conversation about what has been weighing you down. This is the only way to find an amicable solution. What you need to keep in mind, though, is that every conversation is a two-way street. You may or may not like what they have to say. Let there be space for them to express themselves anyway.

Cosmic tip: Trust that you will find an amicable solution.

Virgo Horoscope Today: September 29, 2022

We want to let you in on a secret, Virgo: the Universe has been on your team since the beginning of time. All you have to do is open your eyes and recognise that you are a part of the Divine Matrix. Think of this as the perfect time to enter into creative collaboration with the forces and begin to weave magic in harmony with the forces. Make sure you pay attention to the signs and synchronicities along the way too as you do. The energy of the waxing moon is propelling you in the direction of growth.

Cosmic tip: It’s time to enter into a creative collaboration with the forces.

Libra Horoscope Today: September 29, 2022

We want to let you in on a secret, Libra: what you seek is seeking you as well. So, move with the inner knowing that it’s already yours. Dance with the inner knowing that the blocks are being cleared on your behalf. Something tells us you are about to wake up in a new timeline any moment now. But, that doesn’t mean *you* are not playing a role in the grand scheme of things. The choices you make and the actions you take are just as important. Walk through the portal with awareness. Remember to be consistent in your efforts.

Cosmic tip: What you seek is seeking you as well.

Scorpio Horoscope Today: September 29, 2022

But, there is beauty in the unfolding, Scorpio. There is beauty in getting to know the deeper layers of yourself and the other through the process of relating. So, be present to the magic of this moment, beautiful. Take your time to understand your partner’s love language and the many ways in which they communicate their affection. Something tells us it's time to move deeper into the portal of intimacy, beautiful. 

Cosmic tip: Understand your partner’s love language.

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