Sony SAB’s Shubh Laabh- Aapkey Ghar Mein continues to entertain the audience with its thought-provoking storyline and strong performances. While Shreya’s pregnancy has brought in major twists in the plot, Kavita is back to her notorious antics, this time with Keshav, her partner in crime since childhood. The duo are taking their tricks up a notch as they plan to kidnap Shreya and cause harm to her unborn kid! Nimisha Vakharia aka Kavita herself spills the beans on her evil master plan.
Commenting on the latest track, Nimisha Vakharia essaying the role of Kavita said, “The viewers will get to witness a very dark side to Kavita in the latest track. So far, we know that she is always indulging in her petty tricks to trouble Shreya but this time around she stoops to the lowest of the lows. After multiple failed attempts, Kavita is now obsessed with finding out the truth about Shreya’s child. Following Keshav's confirmation, Kavita finally knows that there is something miraculous about the unborn child and she is now scheming her new move to cause harm to Shreya.”
She further adds, “With Keshav’s evil mastermind, Kavita has gone utterly rogue. Realising the prodigious abilities of this child and the multiple ways they could exploit her powers, Keshav suggests kidnapping Shreya from the Mata Ka Jagrata and ultimately killing her after taking her child away, However, their plan hits a major roadblock when a tigress suddenly appears and saves Shreya, symbolising the might of the goddess. This whole track has been very gratifying because playing a grey character enables you to explore the finer nuances as an actor. I am excited for the audiences to see if Kavita and Keshav will succeed in their plan or if the divine powers protecting Shreya will come to her rescue.”
Continue watching Shubh Laabh- Aapkey Ghar Mein from Monday to Saturday at 9:30 PM only on Sony SAB