Actor Vidisha Srivastava recently entered &TV’s cult comedy show Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai as the new Anita Bhabi. While the industry is abuzz with her entry, we spoke to her about stepping into the shoes of Anita Bhabi, behind the scenes fun, her first encounter with the comedy genre and more. Excerpts from the interview:
1. How does it feel to be the new Anita
Bhabi? What was your first reaction when you were selected for the role?
Anita Bhabi is
an iconic character who enjoys massive popularity and fan following. I feel
elated and honoured to be given this opportunity. When I got selected, my first
reaction was, ‘Oh my gosh! Is this really happening!’. I was ecstatic. I
have always enjoyed watching the show for its entertaining characters and
humorous plots. I had never imagined that I would be a part of it as one of its
lead characters one day. I am thrilled to take on this huge mandate and, most
importantly, share the screen with the accomplished and talented actors Aasif
Sheikh, RohitashvGouri, and ShubhangiAtre. I am grateful to Sanjay and
Binaiferr Kohli Ji for believing in my abilities and giving me this wonderful
opportunity. I feel truly blessed. Everyone around me, especially my friends
and family, has been on top of the moon ever since they knew this.
My family is an
ardent fan of Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai, and they watch the show regularly. So, when
I was approached for the Anita Bhabi role, my entire family got super excited.
None of us had imagined that an opportunity to essay Anita Bhabi’s role would
come my way one day. Even during the auditions, my family was eager to know how
it went and if I got selected. And when I broke the news to them, they couldn’t
contain their happiness. It was like a mini celebration at home.
2. What are the similarities and
dissimilarities between Vidisha and Anita Bhabi?
There are only
similarities. Anita Bhabi is contemporary and 'today's a woman'. Her personality
is quite strong and stands out, one of the most important aspects of her
character. She has a mind of her own and is quite bold. She stands up for what
she believes in and never gets bogged down easily. And I am somewhat like this
in real life. So, when I was chosen for the role, I could relate to her and fit
in easily.
3. Who is your favourite character other
than Anita Bhabi from the show, and why?
While each
character is quite entertaining and has its unique traits, Vibuti Narayan
Mishra is my favourite. It is played by my favourite actor – the very talented
and accomplished actor, Aasif Sheikh Ji. Secondly, the role offers variety and
has many characters within a single role. It is just not easy to carry them so
beautifully and at ease. I have thoroughly enjoyed each of these fun
characters. His comic timing is so perfect. Hats off to him. And now, I am
blessed to get an opportunity to work closely with him. There is so much to
learn from him.
4. You’ve started shooting recently. Tell
us about your first day at the shoot and about the behind-the-scenes fun that
happens on the set of Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai
It's just been a
few weeks since I started shooting for the show, but it seems like I already
know them all and have a special connection. I was a bit nervous on my first
day, but everyone made me feel very comfortable, especially Rohitashv Ji, with
whom I shot the very first scene. He is not just an amazing co-star but an
extremely humble person. Let me tell you a secret: all the artists in this show
are so much into the characters that they don't miss a single chance to make
you laugh. We keep cracking jokes and pulling each other’s legs, which helps us
stay happy and energetic and give our best for each shot. While shooting for a
dance sequence during our Holi track, TMT (Tika, Malkhan, and Tillu) suddenly
started singing the song in their unique style, and everyone on the sets was in
splits. It is fun to be surrounded by such happy and fun-loving people.
5. The comedy genre is new to you. How
easy or difficult it has been to adapt to it? What are the other genres you
like or would like to explore?
As an actor, I
believe you will stagnate if you don’t accept new challenges, learn, and
evolve. I always look forward to exploring new genres, especially comedy. I
have been part of the fantasy, mythological, historical, and romantic
dramas. But this time, I was mentally prepared to explore a comedy genre, which
pushed me to get out of my comfort zone. I must say, comedy is the most
difficult genre. It is easy to make people emotional, but it isn't easy to make
them laugh. Many nuances like expression, comic timing, and body language come
into play to make people laugh, and one must work extremely hard to get that
6. Anita Bhabi has a lot of grace and
style and wears stylish sarees. Does Vidisha, too, like Sarees? What is your
style quotient? What kind of clothes, makeup, and accessories do you prefer?
Anita Bhabi has
an oomph factor. She is quite graceful and stylish. She knows how to slay on
screen with her classy and elegant look. My style statement is similar to hers,
simple, elegant and graceful. But I prefer comfortable clothing, with limited
accessories. I am a no-makeup person, and whenever I have to get ready for
any occasion, I do subtle makeup and keep my hair open to make me look sassy. I
always choose the dress that gives me comfort, with limited accessories. Like
Anita, I also love wearing sarees with stylish blouses, but at the same time, I
am also a woman who is in unconditional love with her jeans. I will never give
up on my favourite pair of jeans, which go with any stylish top, heels, and
Vidisha Srivastava as new Anita Bhabi in &TV's Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai, airing
every Monday to Friday at 10:30 pm
Actor Vidisha
Srivastava recently entered &TV’s
cult comedy show Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai as the new Anita
Bhabi. While the industry is abuzz with her entry, we spoke to
her about stepping into the shoes of Anita Bhabi, behind the scenes fun, her
first encounter with the comedy genre and more. Excerpts from the interview:
1. How does it feel to be the new Anita
Bhabi? What was your first reaction when you were selected for the role?
Anita Bhabi is
an iconic character who enjoys massive popularity and fan following. I feel
elated and honoured to be given this opportunity. When I got selected, my first
reaction was, ‘Oh my gosh! Is this really happening!’. I was ecstatic. I
have always enjoyed watching the show for its entertaining characters and
humorous plots. I had never imagined that I would be a part of it as one of its
lead characters one day. I am thrilled to take on this huge mandate and, most
importantly, share the screen with the accomplished and talented actors Aasif
Sheikh, RohitashvGouri, and ShubhangiAtre. I am grateful to Sanjay and
Binaiferr Kohli Ji for believing in my abilities and giving me this wonderful
opportunity. I feel truly blessed. Everyone around me, especially my friends
and family, has been on top of the moon ever since they knew this.
My family is an
ardent fan of Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai, and they watch the show regularly. So, when
I was approached for the Anita Bhabi role, my entire family got super excited.
None of us had imagined that an opportunity to essay Anita Bhabi’s role would
come my way one day. Even during the auditions, my family was eager to know how
it went and if I got selected. And when I broke the news to them, they couldn’t
contain their happiness. It was like a mini celebration at home.
2. What are the similarities and
dissimilarities between Vidisha and Anita Bhabi?
There are only
similarities. Anita Bhabi is contemporary and 'today's a woman'. Her personality
is quite strong and stands out, one of the most important aspects of her
character. She has a mind of her own and is quite bold. She stands up for what
she believes in and never gets bogged down easily. And I am somewhat like this
in real life. So, when I was chosen for the role, I could relate to her and fit
in easily.
3. Who is your favourite character other
than Anita Bhabi from the show, and why?
While each
character is quite entertaining and has its unique traits, Vibuti Narayan
Mishra is my favourite. It is played by my favourite actor – the very talented
and accomplished actor, Aasif Sheikh Ji. Secondly, the role offers variety and
has many characters within a single role. It is just not easy to carry them so
beautifully and at ease. I have thoroughly enjoyed each of these fun
characters. His comic timing is so perfect. Hats off to him. And now, I am
blessed to get an opportunity to work closely with him. There is so much to
learn from him.
4. You’ve started shooting recently. Tell
us about your first day at the shoot and about the behind-the-scenes fun that
happens on the set of Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai
It's just been a
few weeks since I started shooting for the show, but it seems like I already
know them all and have a special connection. I was a bit nervous on my first
day, but everyone made me feel very comfortable, especially Rohitashv Ji, with
whom I shot the very first scene. He is not just an amazing co-star but an
extremely humble person. Let me tell you a secret: all the artists in this show
are so much into the characters that they don't miss a single chance to make
you laugh. We keep cracking jokes and pulling each other’s legs, which helps us
stay happy and energetic and give our best for each shot. While shooting for a
dance sequence during our Holi track, TMT (Tika, Malkhan, and Tillu) suddenly
started singing the song in their unique style, and everyone on the sets was in
splits. It is fun to be surrounded by such happy and fun-loving people.
5. The comedy genre is new to you. How
easy or difficult it has been to adapt to it? What are the other genres you
like or would like to explore?
As an actor, I
believe you will stagnate if you don’t accept new challenges, learn, and
evolve. I always look forward to exploring new genres, especially comedy. I
have been part of the fantasy, mythological, historical, and romantic
dramas. But this time, I was mentally prepared to explore a comedy genre, which
pushed me to get out of my comfort zone. I must say, comedy is the most
difficult genre. It is easy to make people emotional, but it isn't easy to make
them laugh. Many nuances like expression, comic timing, and body language come
into play to make people laugh, and one must work extremely hard to get that
6. Anita Bhabi has a lot of grace and
style and wears stylish sarees. Does Vidisha, too, like Sarees? What is your
style quotient? What kind of clothes, makeup, and accessories do you prefer?
Anita Bhabi has
an oomph factor. She is quite graceful and stylish. She knows how to slay on
screen with her classy and elegant look. My style statement is similar to hers,
simple, elegant and graceful. But I prefer comfortable clothing, with limited
accessories. I am a no-makeup person, and whenever I have to get ready for
any occasion, I do subtle makeup and keep my hair open to make me look sassy. I
always choose the dress that gives me comfort, with limited accessories. Like
Anita, I also love wearing sarees with stylish blouses, but at the same time, I
am also a woman who is in unconditional love with her jeans. I will never give
up on my favourite pair of jeans, which go with any stylish top, heels, and
Vidisha Srivastava as new Anita Bhabi in &TV's Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai, airing
every Monday to Friday at 10:30 pm