The combined market cap of Adani group companies has topped the $100-billion mark. The combined value of the six listed companies led by Gautam Adani stood at $107 billion (Rs 7.84 trillion) on Tuesday. Currently, only the Tata group, HDFC group and Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance group have higher market cap at the group level.
The Adani group became the third Indian conglomerate to surpass $100 billion in market value as a dizzying rally in the shares of Gautam Adani-run companies propelled the group past many titans of Indian industry.
On Tuesday, shares of four of the six publicly traded Adani group companies soared to a record. Adani Enterprises Ltd surged 8% to ₹1,240.45; Adani Total Gas Ltd rose 6% to ₹1,248; Adani Transmission Ltd jumped 5% to ₹1,147; and Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd soared 14% to ₹852.
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