A probe has been ordered after Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Shweta Mahale on Wednesday raised an incident, in Maharashtra Assembly, in which women residing in a women's hostel in Jalgaon district were allegedly made to perform naked.
The BJP leader also demanded action against the people involved in this incident, which took place on March 1.
Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh has ordered a probe.
He said that a four-member committee being formed and they have been asked to submit the report within 2 days.
Meanwhile, Maharashtra Women and Child Development Minister Yashomati Thakur said that anybody found guilty will not be spared.
"I have not seen the video. But I assure you that nobody will be spared, strict action will be taken. The Home Minister has ordered a probe and I am personally looking into it too," she said.